Whether you're menopausal or not, this may be the favourite hobby you never knew you had ! It has SO many benefits and literally ticks all the boxes for helping with menopause symptoms. In fact, a recent study by University College London proved that scientifically, cold water swimming helps eradicate menopause symptoms.
63% said they swam purely to help address menopausal symptoms
50% said cold water swimming significantly reduced their anxiety
35% said it helped tackle mood swings
31% said it helped with low moods
30% said it helped with hot flushes
To quote a woman from the study:
'Cold water is phenomenal. It has saved my life. In the water I can do anything. All symptoms (physical and mental) disappear and I fell like me at my best'
Another lady said
'Cold water swimming has had a profound effect on my menopausal symptoms. Exercising in nature, alone or with a group of other women is healing. The camaraderie, shared stories and laughter are part of the magic'
The key benefits are heralded to be
1. The water proves calm and mood boosting
2.The swims provide a sense of community
3. Swimming improved the experience of their periods
4. The cold water reduced the impact of their hot flushes
5. The experience gave 'an overall health improvement'
So, here are 7 reasons why you should JOIN US:
1. It boosts your immune system - which can become impaired during menopause due to low levels of Vitamin C
The effects of cold water on the immune system have been studied widely. Cold water helps to boost the white blood cell count because the body is forced to react to changing conditions. Over time, your body becomes better at activating its defences.
2. It gives you a natural high - and who would turn that down if you're feeling a. bit low?
Cold water swimming activates endorphins.
This chemical is what the brain produces to make us feel good during activities. Cold water swimming is also a form of exercise, and exercise has been proven to treat depression. Cold water swimming brings us close to the pain barrier. Endorphins are released when we’re in pain, to help us cope with it.
3. It improves your circulation - in menopause our arteries can become stiff and blocked. Not good!
Cold water swimming flushes your veins, arteries, and capillaries. It forces blood to the surface and helps to warm our extremities. It's brilliant to stimulate your lymphatic system. Repeated exposure adapts us to the cold.
4. It increases your libido - a lower libido is a VERY COMMON symptom of menopause.
Cold water was traditionally seen to repress sexual urges. The fact is that it increases libido! A dip in some cold water boosts oestrogen and testosterone production, adding an edge to fertility and libido.The benefits of increased libido include more confidence, higher self-esteem, and enhanced mood
5. It burns calories - our metabolism slows down in menopause, this is a great way to speed it up a bit
The heart has to pump faster in cold water and the body must work harder to keep everything warm whilst swimming. Overall, far more calories are burned during cold water swimming than swimming in warmer conditions. The idea that drinking cold water increases the number of calories you burn may be a myth, but it is a fact that cold water decreases your body temperature so much that the body must act.
6. It reduces stress - cortisol levels become very high in menopause due to inflammation and stress.
Cold water swimming places stress on the body physically and mentally however many studies have identified the link between cold water and stress reduction. It has been noted that cold water swimmers become calmer and more relaxed
7. It is a great way of socialising and making new friends - social interaction is 1 of my 6 pillars of ageing
There is a great sense of community and camaraderie amongst cold water swimmers. There is nothing that brings people together like facing a challenge and sharing the experience as a group.
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