Before you commit to personal training with me, we'll meet to discuss your needs, your fitness history, your medical history and your goals. Everybody is welcome, young and old, fit and unfit, men and women!
I'll perform a full posture analysis so that exercises can be appropriate for what your body needs - it'll help to improve your posture and correct pain that you have as a result of a tech neck, hunched shoulders, lower back pain, tight hamstrings etc.
We'll create a fitness plan based around what you enjoy and what you want to achieve. It's about YOU with input from ME but mainly, it's US working together to make you fitter and healthier.
You can train to achieve specific goals: to gain muscle, to lose body fat or to increase cardio endurance. You can train to run a marathon (please do, I LOVE running!!) or to take part in a triathlon. You may be motivated to train simply because your kids' energy leaves you breathless or because you used to be fit but now you're not. We are all driven by different needs and goals but, whatever your goal, we work towards it.
Choose to work out at the fully equipped private CfitBfit gym or at the beach / park.
Please contact me for the full price list: including half hr sessions - (ideal for children) and private sessions for 2 people. I also have excellent 1 hr sessions for parent & child. Show your child how important exercise and taking care of their body is from a young age.
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